Rules of procedure

The Board of Directors is responsible for the organisation of the Company and the management of the Company’s affairs, such as compliance with law and the articles of association as well as the rules applicable to the Company. The Board is appointed by the General meeting and is presently consisting of three members. The Board of EOS consists of members with well developed competence and a broad range of experience which is of great importance in supporting, following and managing EOS operations. Apart from the Rules of procedure and instructions to the CEO, the Board also establishes the Company’s financial and information policies on an ongoing basis. According to the Board’s Rules of procedure the Board members shall attend at least 4 meetings during the fiscal year. Further, the Board shall also evaluate the work by the CEO and in some cases approve of the CEO’s potential positions outside of the Company. The Board’s Rules of procedure also includes instructions for the CEO of how the financial reports shall be presented to the Board. According to the Rules of procedure, it is the responsibility of the Chairman of the Board to follow the development of the Company, through contact with the CEO, and to ensure that the CEO provides the members of the Board with the information that they require.

The Board appoints the Board members of the Company’s subsidiary, EOS (Cyprus) Limited. Board members are appointed until the next Annual General Meeting.